Saga Is Now in Open Beta!
- Which means anybody can try it
- Tell your friends and contacts to sign up at
Public Spaces
- You can now share your Space with the world at large
- Just click on the Share button on the top-right and click on the small toggle
- Share the URL you'll get to spread your knowledge!
Table of Content
- Saga now creates a Table of Content for you, accessible from the right-side of the screen
- Any heading in the page, small or large, will be included there
- You can then click on a Heading in the Table to navigate to that section of the page
Heading Linking
- You will notice a Settings menu on the right, which right now allows you to control the auto-linking behavior
- Saga can now automatically link headings from a page, as if they were full page titles
- Just enable the setting, and those headings will be cross-referenced all over your space
Lots of Other Stuff
- New shortcut: write a page title within double squared brackets [[ ]] to trigger linking or the page creation menu
- Tutorial: access an interactive tutorial from the ? help button
- New Help & Support Center
- Uncountable bug fixes