AI for Human Resources

Leverage AI for HR to focus on your people.

Be more efficient and focus on your people with Saga AI.

Get started free

Draft internal docs in seconds

Save time on writing internal docs, from hiring practices to onboarding processes. Use Saga AI to provide a first draft, rewrite any content in your company voice, or correct spelling and grammar in one click. All your documents will be high-quality, in seconds.

Get answers directly in your workspace

Ask questions on any topics, from a checklist on moving offices to setting up an entity abroad. Saga AI makes it easy to get quick answers without switching tools - for you, as well as for any teammates that you invite to your workspace.

Easily keep internal knowledge up-to-date

Make sure that everyone knows where to find the latest documents.Saga's autolink feauture automatically connects all of your internal knowledge to save time from searching across docs. You can also easily add dates and tag colleagues with keyboard shortcuts, so that everyone knows who owns the document and when was the latest update.

Start your Saga

Boost your creativity and get more done with AI.