Lightning icon for Saga AI
Now with GPT-4o

Fast and simple workspace

Connect your notes, documents, and tasks. With AI.

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A group of faces of users who are using Saga AI
Loved by 36,000+ users worldwide
Real time collaboration on a page inside Saga.

Spend less time organizing and more time doing

Using Saga AI inside a sprint planning document.

Personal AI assistant

Save your prompts and commands to write better, brainstorm ideas, and get answers right in your workspace.
Learn about Saga AI
Page preview of an autolink inside a Project document inside Saga.

Connected knowledge

Saga intelligently recognizes what you are writing and creates cross-references across your notes to help you connect the dots.
Learn more
Search icon.

Instant search

Type Cmd + K to find anything across your workspace in less than a second.
Search inside Saga displaying page results, as well as Google Drive files and Linear issues.
Saga integrated tasks inside notes.

Integrated tasks

Manage all your team's tasks in one place with Saga's lightweight task manager. No more having to update timelines across apps.
Learn about tasks
Google Drive and Linear links inside a Saga document about Website Redesign.

Powerful integrations

Centralize, update information, and search across other tools such as Google Drive, Linear, and more.
Explore integrations

Why choose Saga?

Git commit icon

Simple yet powerful

A minimalistic interface with powerful features to help you focus and work faster.
Fast forward icon

Amazingly fast

Experience high-speed performance when writing your notes, searching information, and collaborating.
Collaborative text editing icon.

Collaborate in real-time

Write and update docs and tasks together and easily see what your teammates are working on.

What makes Saga special?

Saga helps you do your best work, faster.

Side by side

Open pages, tasks, or even Google Drive files side by side in your workspace.

Tables with AI

Generate tables with any type of content (headings, images, links, dates, etc.) and use AI to improve it or fill them in.

Auto-update across pages

Live Blocks keep information always in sync and up to date across multiple pages.


Add blocks, insert links, or mention teammates without leaving the keyboard.

Media embeds

Embed videos, images, link previews, equations, and more so you don't waste time on formatting.

Keyboard shortcuts

Work faster with quick access to search, dates, team members, and more.

Start your Saga

Boost your creativity and get more done with AI.