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An illustration of a page with text notes and highlighted text.
April 12, 2023

Saga AI

We have some exciting news: Saga AI is now available in beta!

With Saga AI, you can easily create new content, brainstorm ideas, translate, check grammar, and rewrite text in just a few clicks. Access the power of ChatGPT directly in your workspace to make your day-to-day work more efficient.

See how it works in this video (1 min):

How Does it Work?

Access Saga AI in two ways:

  • Type @ or /  in the editor and click on Ask AI.
  • Select any text and click on Saga AI for more commands.

What Can You Do with Saga AI?

Here are 4 ways to make your day-to-day more efficient:

1. Get a first draft of your email, blog post, or cover letter.

2. Summarize and extract insights from your text.

3. Translate, change tone, or fix grammar.

4. Ask complex questions and augment your knowledge.

Learn more about use cases, prompting, and FAQs in our guides.

What's Next?

For the upcoming weeks, Saga AI will remain free to use. After that, it will be incorporated into our Standard plan, which offers 2,000 AI generated words for each workspace user.

We're a small team developing Saga. We hope you enjoy Saga AI and if you like it, feel free to spread the word around you or share one of our Tweets or posts on LinkedIn.

We're already working on the next version — tell us what you think and would like to see next by replying to this email or on Discord!

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