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An illustration of a page with text notes and highlighted text.
March 8, 2021

Improved Navigation

New Navigation Flow

  • Based on your feedback, we re-designed the sidebar to allow you to get to your content faster and more easily
  • The new sidebar mixes a structured and a more loose approach to organization
  • Collections are not all shown in the sidebar, but now live in a dedicated Collections table
  • All Pages is also now renamed as Pages- Favorite pages or collections to find them directly in the sidebar...
  • and reorder them to support your own structure!
  • The order is kept in public spaces too, useful for showcasing your content

Bug Fixing & Improved Flows

  • The editor now closes automatically parentheses or quotation marks
  • Improved the signup / login flow, and are working to support email/password authentication
  • Fixed a problem with drag-n-drop in the editor, now it fully supports indented blocks at any level
  • Added a help button to tweet us for support
  • Fixed small UI inconsistencies and bugs

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