Saga for Knowledge Management

Empower your team to discover, accomplish, and learn more. Automatically connect your wikis, notes, and docs in one place.

Everything + AI in one place

Easily create and organize your processes, workflows, how-tos, guides, and articles. Saga AI helps you quickly get a first draft, edit your content, or get answers to your questions without leaving your workspace.

Unlock new insights

Saga automatically references all the places where your page is mentioned. You'll find connections you never expected.

Transform information into a knowledge management system.

Always stay up-to-date

With live blocks, Saga ensures key information is always automatically updated across places. No more stale folders and documents.

Find quickly what you need

Waste less time searching, linking, and scrambling for the right context.

Connect and collaborate with your team

Work in the same documents in real-time and ensure critical info stays up to date. Grow your knowledge management system with your team.

Comienza tu saga

Aumente su creatividad y haga más con la IA.