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An illustration of a page with text notes and highlighted text.
March 29, 2021


Nested Sub-Collections

  • You can now nest collections one inside another!
  • Any collection can have an infinite amount of sub-collections
  • You can therefore use collections as hierarchical folders...
  • ...but with the advantage of being able to nest the same collection under different parents...
  • ...so that you can organize and find content from multiple angles!
  • Sub-collections are also shown as nested folders in the sidebar, neat :)

Quality of Life & Bug-Fixes

  • Add a page or sub-collection to any collection directly from the sidebar
  • New UI for adding URLs and email links from the styling toolbar
  • Improved automatic detection of URLs and emails in the text
  • Added support for navigating tables with browser back
  • Added a button to join our Discord community in the Help Section
  • Fixed editor-related bugs

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